FOUR teenagers were hurt, one of them seriously, when the car they were travelling in crashed on a bend while being pursued by a police vehicle.

Two of the youngsters were injured when they were catapulted out of the back seat of the gold-coloured Ford Escort as it careered out of control.

Two other teenagers had to be released from the wreckage by firefighters.

Crews also cut free a couple who were trapped in a Renault Megane, which was struck by the Ford Escort.

The youngsters' car slammed into the Megane after clipping another moving car while taking a right hand bend at speed on Station Lane, Seaton Carew, near Hartlepool.

The 16-year-old driver of the Escort is being treated in the University Hospital of Hartlepool for neck and back injuries and a fractured ankle.

A 15-year-old passenger was taken to the James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, with a fractured skull.

Cleveland Police said the injury was not thought to be life threatening.

Another 15-year-old suffered a broken leg. A fourth passenger, who is also 15-years-old, was kept in the Hartlepool hospital overnight on Thursday for observation.

A fifth teenager fled from the scene.

The driver and passenger of the Renault Megane were treated for whiplash injuries after they were released by the firefighters.

A Cleveland Police spokesman said: "When the police driver put on his blue lights and siren, the Ford Escort made off at speed along Station Lane, towards Golden Flatts roundabout.

"Police lost sight of the vehicle on a sweeping right hand bend.

"Moments later, they found that the driver of the Ford Escort had lost control.

"It had spun around, throwing two people out and across the road, clipped one oncoming vehicle and crashed into a Renault Megane that was travelling in the opposite direction."

The spokesman said that officers were now looking for the fifth teenager

The incident happened just after 8pm on Thursday.

Anyone who can help the police is asked to contact the force's accident investigation unit on (01642) 301558.