SOME of the best bowls players in the UK will battle it out as a major tournament comes to the North-East next week.

The finals of the Denny Cup will take place at Stanley Indoor Bowls Club, in Stanley, County Durham.

It is dubbed the FA Cup of indoor bowls and the fans are just as passionate as football supporters. Stanley club president Bill Collin said: "This is nothing like the staid, quiet games littered with polite applause that are shown on TV.

"It is passionate, raucous and very loud, and the crowd really fervently supports their team."

Big names taking part include national team players such as indoor singles champion Andy Thompson, and Mark O'Riordan, of Thornaby, Teesside.

It is the second major bowls event to come to the centre in a matter of months. The World Bowls Tour and Professional Bowls Association UK National Qualifiers attracted a record number of entrants when it took place at the centre last September.

The event was estimated to pump £50,000 into the town's economy and put scores of extra visitor numbers on nearby attractions such as the Beamish Museum and Tanfield Railway.

Derwentside Leisure marketing manager Sue Fox said: "This is one of the most prestigious events in the bowls calendar.

"As far as the bowls world is concerned, all eyes will be on Stanley that weekend.

"It is held in a different venue every year, so it is very unlikely it will ever come to Stanley again."

The action starts next Saturday, with the semi-finals and final of the Denny Plate, a contest for those knocked out of the cup in the early stages and includes Thornaby.

The cup competition proper starts next Sunday.

Admission to all matches is free. For further details contact the bowls club on (01207) 236941.