SCHOOLCHILDREN have been completing an in-depth study of crime and safety issues.

Students at the Allertonshire School, in Northallerton, have spent five weeks on the challenge, run by the Hambleton Community Safety Partnership.

The youngsters, all aged 11 and 12, are presenting their findings in the form of a series of short plays and posters.

It was the second time the school had taken part in such a scheme, which is now being run in all the secondary schools across the district by the partnership.

Year seven pupils are asked to consider crime and community safety topics which affect them and the community in which they live.

It is hoped that as a result they will understand the consequences of crime for the victim and the offender.

The Allertonshire students looked at drugs and alcohol, anti-social behaviour, trespassing and vandalism, arson and hoax calls, road safety, theft, bullying and truancy and the fear of crime.

Those who took part will receive a certificate and the school will be presented with a commemorative plaque.