A POLICEMAN is spending one day a week behind bars to help prisoners think about road safety.

PC Dave Nixon, Durham Constabulary's road casualty reduction officer, provides a regular course to inmates at Durham Prison.

The aim is to make prisoners think about their attitude to driving.

The sessions are not aimed only at those in jail for car crimes, although many have motoring offences.

PC Nixon said: "At the start they are usually more reticent and very wary of having a police officer in their midst.

"But over the course of the day, the barriers come down and they realise why we do the job we do."

PC Nixon uses graphic video clips and photographs from cases to make his point.

He said: "I have genuinely had many of my preconceptions challenged and been surprised by how open and how animated the prisoners are.

"As they are already behind bars, they feel there is nothing to lose by being honest."

About half the inmates on each course are aged 25 and under, the age group responsible for the majority of road accidents.

The one-day course was first presented about 16 months ago and, since then, more than 800 prisoners have attended them.

John Hughes, an officer in the Prisoner Resettlement Unit, said: "Initially there were reservations about bringing a serving PC into the establishment, but contrary to this belief, it has become one of the most requested courses by prisoners.

"The feedback sheets that are completed at the end of each session consistently reflect positive statements about the content and presentation of the course."