PUPILS who have worked since Christmas to sew a village banner have taken in on parade through the streets.

The 42 pupils from Frosterley Community School enlisted community groups, including the Women's Institute, the Brownies and the Emerald Nursery, to help with the spring term project.

Artist Melita Butterell held weekly workshops in the school, teaching the children embroidery and collage techniques.

She joined the children to march with the banner from the school to the village's Methodist chapel and church.

One side of the banner reflects the rural nature of the school, with images of farmyard animals, wildlife and flowers.

Supporters have paid £2 to have their names embroidered on leaves decorating the banner's tree of life.

Education Secretary Charles Clarke will have his name added, after paying his fee when he toured the school to see where his grandfather, William Skinner, was headteacher from 1919 to 1952, and where his mother, Brenda, was a pupil.

School administrator Yvonne Broome said: "The children have learnt a lot from making the banner. They have learnt to be patient and to work with others. They have enjoyed it very much and say they will always remember it."

Bowes Museum, Wear Valley District Council and the Friends group at the school all made financial contributions to the banner, which is on show in Frosterley Village Hall.