SCOOTER enthusiasts will put smiles on the faces of children at a Middlesbrough hospital.

Dozens of Lambretta and Vespa riders will visit the James Cook University Hospital tomorrow to deliver chocolate eggs to the children's wards and the paediatric day unit.

The Easter egg run has been organised by the Frontline Scooter Club, in Redcar, and is part of the club's weekend rally.

Tracie Barnes, chairwoman of the group, said: "We thought it would be nice to finish the weekend off with an Easter egg run to the hospital.

"One of the member's sons was recently in the James Cook for an operation and he's coming back with his dad on Sunday to hand out some of the eggs.

"The club has been going since 1981 when we were Mods. Obviously we're all respectable adults now with children of our own, but it will be nice to give the younger patients a treat."

Meanwhile the Cleveland Shopping Centre, in Middlesbrough, is holding fun activities over the Easter break.

The highlight is the Egg Head hard boiled egg painting competition. Entrants must label their egg and take it to the centre's information point from Thursday.