THOUSANDS of Durham City council taxpayers have been sent the wrong bill.

The city council is responsible for collecting money for itself, Durham County Council, the police, fire brigade and parish councils. It then distributes the money to the other authorities.

But it is thought that about 5,000 people in some areas with parish councils have not been charged the full amount they should be paying.

The Liberal Democrat-controlled authority did not include increased precepts levied by parishes because of what it described as a clerical error.

The council said the total shortfall is about £5,400 -and amounts to pennies on individual bills -and that sending out fresh bills would cost more than paying the extra out of its own funds.

Council leader Sue Pitts said: "The council is very sorry that this error has taken place and procedures are being put in place so this does not happen again.''

The Labour opposition group has criticised the Liberal Democrat group for the problems.

A spokesman said: "It is a silly mistake and it makes it look like the council tax has not gone up by as much as it actually has.''

Overall, bills in Durham City have risen by 6.8 per cent, excluding parish spending, which varies from council to council.