AN initiative that aims to make a town safer for young people has been launched.

A personal safety video, Avoiding Street Crime, A Guide for Young People, has been produced by the Hartlepool Community Safety Partnership with Hartlepool College of Further Education.

It will be made available to schools, colleges and youth clubs to raise awareness among teenagers about the potential risks and what they can do to make themselves safer.

Sergeant Lynn Beeston, of the community safety partnership, said: "The idea for the video came from our reassurance task group at a time when there was a spate of robberies and thefts involving youngsters.

"It is important to stress, however, that robbery and other street crime is not a huge problem in the town, and this project is just part of our ongoing drive to make all residents of the town feel safer.

"We find young people do not always realise their potential to become victims.

"The video highlights a number of issues, such as when and where they use their mobile phones, that could make them targets for crime.

Sgt Beeston said: "We want to make young people think carefully about how their own actions can affect their personal safety."

The video, which runs for several minutes, comprises three scenarios highlighting potential dangers interspersed with a range of advice.