A GROUP of farmers and rural enthusiasts will find out how to successfully combine a commercial approach with a commitment to conservation in a behind-the-scenes visit to the Raby Estate near Staindrop.

Lord Barnard will welcome 50 members of the Royal Agricultural Society of England next Friday, who will tour the estate woodlands and moors to see the results of his long-term plan to support and encourage game and other wildlife.

The tour will include talks from head keeper Lindsay Waddell and head forester Hamish Jeffrey, plus a tour of the castle.

Raby Estate manager Andrew Lewis said: "Raby is a prime example of a traditional estate, combining Lord Barnard's dedicated commitment to conservation with a commercially-run business. We hope RASE members will be inspired."

The tour is the first of eight regional events organised by RASE, giving members a private viewing of some of the most distinctive and successful estates and farms in the country.

An interest in rural issues and the countryside is all that is needed to become a member of RASE. For further information, visit www.rase.org.uk or call 02476 858253.