STUDENTS read more than 200 books in two weeks to raise money for charity.

The pupils from St John's RC School, in Bishop Auckland, rose to the challenge laid down for them by school librarians Linzi Heads and Heather Lang to celebrate World Book Day.

The 39 year seven pupils raised £533, which will be divided between Sargent Cancer Care for Children and The Roald Dahl Foundation.

The money will be spent locally caring for children and young people suffering from cancer, Hodgkin's disease, leukaemia, epilepsy, blood disorders or acquired brain injury.

Ms Heads said: "It exceeded my expectations on how well everybody did. They raised a lot more than expected and the good thing is that the money will be spent locally.''

Kathryn Palmer, library head, said: "I am very pleased with the tremendous amount of work that Linzi, Heather and the children have done. This is something that is really good for the school and has encouraged the children to read more.''