A MINI drama played out in a Dales village hall yesterday could help in the fight against doorstep crime.

North Yorkshire County Council's trading standards team is leading a campaign, supported by The Northern Echo, which aims to stamp out the menace of bogus callers and door-to-door con men.

The authority is among a number lobbying Parliament for new legislation to outlaw doorstep cold-calling.

The department has linked up with the Richmondshire Community Safety Partnership on a series of presentations around the district.

Leaflets and a video have been produced to help the message hit home.

The information has also been turned into a short play to be performed at each venue by members of Leyburn Amateur Dramatic Society (Lads).

"It's a shame only a handful of people turned up to the first event at Harmby Village Hall but it proved a worthwhile exercise nonetheless,'' said LADS spokeswoman Caroll Thomas.

"As well as the video, and talk people could ask questions and I think it proved to be a very useful hour.''

The next event on the calendar is on Thursday, May 27, in the Middleham Key Centre, at 2.30pm.