THE region may be about to become a virtual learning centre for the electronics industry.

The North of England Microelectronics Institute (NEMI) is to run a pilot project on behalf of regional development agency One NorthEast, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Learning and Skills Council Tyne and Wear.

The study will assess the feasibility of a distance learning programme.

NEMI will initially work with local industry and education facilities, including Atmel, Merck Sharp and Dohme, SCA, Norham High School and North Tyneside College.

John Lockey, NEMI training manager, said: "Virtual learning is not yet used in vocational training in this industry, and therefore this programme is quite unique.

"A lot of the companies we are working with have complicated shift patterns, which makes it difficult for staff to attend regular training courses. Virtual learning could complement existing training means."

NEMI has assessed various national and international providers of virtual learning systems and selected the University of Northumbria's V-Box Technology.

The team at the university will work with IT departments at participating organisations to ensure hardware and software is compatible.