A STUDENT council has handed over a petition to Government Chief Whip Hilary Armstrong to ask that children all over the world receive a fair education.

Members of Wolsingham School and Community College's School Council met the North-West Durham MP when she visited the school recently.

Chairman of the Student Council Chris Rowell, 18, said that he and other students made presentations to Ms Armstrong about Global Campaigning for education.

He said: "Children in the developing world are missing out on an education and we don't think that's fair.

"We have asked Hilary Armstrong to lobby the Government to make sure that all children get an education."

Chris and his fellow students handed Ms Armstrong a petition with about 50 signatures of all the form representatives from throughout the school.

He said: "The message we want her to take back to the Government is: 'please do more to give every child the chance to go to school and get a quality education'."