MORE than £3,000 has been raised at a charity concert held in aid of two hospices on Teesside.

The concert was held at Egglescliffe School, Eaglescliffe and more than 500 people attended to witness the success year 13 pupil Danny Allinson, who has won one of the five BBC's Fame Academy Bursaries.

Danny featured on the TV programme Fame Academy - the Next Generation, which was broadcast on BBC 1 on March 21. As a result of his success, Danny was the guest soloist in the charity concert in aid of the Butterwick Hospice and Hartlepool and District Hospice.

He said: "I really wanted to do something practical to help the hospices. The care and support which they offer is magnificent, and I thought this was an opportunity to give something back."

At the concert Danny played several solo performances, supported by Egglescliffe School Brass Band and Orchestra, as well as playing the xylophone, marimba and a range of percussion instruments.