A TEESSIDE council is struggling to find takers for training courses aimed at providing traders with skills to prevent underage sales.

So far, only 30 people are taking advantage of the free expenses-paid courses.

Officials from Redcar and Cleveland's Trading Standards Unit, which arranged the courses in conjunction with Bells Stores, are disappointed that three of the six planned sessions at Bells' training centre in Marske have had to be cancelled because of a lack of response.

Councillor Joyce Benbow said: "We think it is an excellent idea and it is pleasing that 30 people will take advantage.

"But it is very disappointing that there is not a better take-up.

"We need as many people on our side as possible over this issue for it is an indisputable fact that alcohol is the prime cause of more anti-social behaviour than any other single factor."

The unit also plans to continue its programme of test purchases and investigating traders who have complaints made against them.

Principal trading standards officer Howard Turton said: "We are currently recruiting young volunteers and will continue to remind retailers that they are ultimately responsible for the sale of under-age products."