NO-ONE is spared the wrath of Janet Street-Porter in her superb one-woman show. Celebrities, family, old workmates - everyone gets a thorough lashing from her sharp tongue as she picks through the highlights of her eventful life including four marriages and more jobs than probably she could count.

Dressed in a sparkly frock - which she rips off alarmingly at one point to reveal a sports bra and shorts - she launches a vicious, but hilarious, attack on anyone and everyone who has dared cross her path.

Her mother gets it for many reasons, but not least for passing on her genes including those trademark "frilly teeth".

"Look what I had to work with!" she screams, to images of her gawky girlhood. "And those glasses - me and Elton John kept the opticians in business for years."

Unhappy with her poor surroundings, Janet, now "a fully-fledged snob", says she spent her early years desperately hoping that her mother had picked up the wrong baby and that her real parents "who lived in Epsom and read the Guardian while listening to chamber music" would soon come to rescue her.

Her colleagues during her time as a newspaper editor and television producer get it in the neck, but it's the celebities who get the worst of it. One unfortunate is Miriam Stoppard with her "dopey Lulu wicky-wacky hair" for promoting age-defying treatments when she's clearly been airbrushed to within an inch of her life. "I am a botox-free zone!" declares Janet.

The weddings were also a highlight, including the drunken Las Vegas impulse marriage and the wedding cake that was drilled full of holes by the CID as part of a drugs bust.

After receiving countless job offers recently for some very unappealing work, including the opportunity to "get her guts sucked out" on Celebrity Detox (which she explains "Kim Saddo Wilde" did instead), Janet is asking audiences "What job can I do next?".

The suggestion of Piers Morgan's old job didn't appeal, though she did ponder for a few seconds on a career in politics. It didn't last long."I'm not interested in other people's points of view," she snarls.

A superb show full of hilarious revelations, bad language and more than a little rage.

Published: ??/??/2004