SEVERAL North-East MPs have signed an open letter condemning racism in the run-up to next month's local and European elections.

The MPs have joined forces with the TUC and representatives from the business community to express concern about an "active racist element" in the region.

The united front is thought to be directed towards the British National Party which has 57 candidates in local elections and a further three standing for each of the three Member of European Parliament seats.

The letter urges voters, whatever their political persuasion, to vote wisely on June 10 and register their opposition against racism.

It states: "The activity of far-right organisations in our region is unwelcome, does not reflect the values and characteristics of the people of the North East and Cumbria, and can only do harm to our society and economy."

The full list of signatories is Kevin Rowanand and Gill Hale, Northern TUC; Stephen Hughes MEP; Mike Parker, NEXUS; George Cowcher, North-East Chamber of Commerce; Chris Mullin MP; Dari Taylor MP; Alan Campbell MP; Fraser Kemp MP; Vera Baird MP; Peter Atkinson MP; Tony Cunningham MP; Dale Campbell-Savours MP; Alan Beith MP.