LITTER bins designed by children were installed at their school yesterday.

Pupils of St Mark's Elm Trees Primary School had lobbied Stockton Borough Council to have more bins for their school.

Then they held a design competition for the bins, eventually choosing two - in the shape of a butterfly and a lion as the winners.

Local building company CJM Building Property Services agreed to make the winning designs using recycled wood.

Rachel George, a top year six pupil at the Bishopton Road West school, is also on the school council, which met officers from Stockton Borough Council to ask for the bins.

She said: "We thought the school needed more litter bins and wanted them to be recycled from old wood."

Steve Nelson, Stockton Council cabinet member for the environment, said: "I am delighted at this initiative, which is another example of young citizens getting on board with our Care For Your Area agenda."