INVESTIGATORS have been unable to identify how food poisoning broke out at the University Hospital of North Durham.

The inquiry into the salmonella outbreak last November concluded that it was 'highly likely' that the outbreak was linked with eating food from the hospital restaurant on Sunday, November 16.

Investigators were unable to come to any clear conclusion about the exact way in which food became contaminated.

But the team said that the outbreak revealed a failure of routine hazard control systems within the kitchen.

Ten people were affected and two people were admitted to hospital. All have made a full recovery.

Because the NHS hospital was built as part of the Private Finance Initiative, the private sector partners Consort and Haden were involved.

They advised that the management structure and supervision within the hospital's kitchen should be 'strengthened to prevent the opportunity for future errors that could cause food borne illness.'

A detailed catering action plan is being implemented.

The inquiry team included County Durham and Darlington Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, the Health Protection Agency, Durham City Council and Derwentside District Council.