A RAFT building and race day was held recently on Teesside to raise money for the Daisy Chain charity.

Pupils from around the Stockton area took part in the one-day event at Castlegate Quay, Stockton.

Daisy Chain hopes to open a centre to offer respite care and family support for autistic children and their families at its centre in Norton.

All the pupils were presented with two inner tubes, a foot pump, four planks of wood and an unlimited amount of string.

The task was to build a raft that would carry six members of the team in a gruelling race along the Tees.

The teams soon got to work and 30 minutes later the rafts were ready to take to the water.

A spokesman for Red House School, a private school in Norton, said: "Our team got off to a good start but it became apparent early on that the other teams had built superior rafts.

"But they battled on until they completed the course and past the finishing line.

"Everyone involved had a fantastic day."

Red House School raised £200 on the day to add to £1,000 already raised for the charity this year.