NOISY neighbours are being warned to turn the volume down or face the prospect of having their stereo equipment confiscated.

Middlesbrough Council receives 1,300 noise complaints every year, mostly relating to noise made within people's houses which disturbs their neighbours.

During the last five months, the authority's community protection noise service has seized equipment from properties where repeated, excessive music kept neighbours awake. The authority has issued guidelines to help prevent recurring problems.

Councillor Barry Coppinger, Middlesbrough's executive member for community safety, said: "In recent months, the council's noise service has found it necessary to seize equipment on three occasions, to stop an ongoing noise nuisance."

A weekend noise call out service runs in Middlesbrough between 7pm and 2am on Fridays and Saturdays.

For information call (01642) 726001 or the out of hours service on 01642 726050.