TWO policemen who risked their own lives to save a man from drowning have been honoured for their courage.

PC Martin Usher and Ministry of Defence Constable Russ Howarth, have been presented with Royal Humane Society awards for their bravery during an incident in Richmond.

They were among a number of officers who were presented with awards at a ceremony in South Otterington Church, near Northallerton. The officers rushed to the River Swale after a man was seen in the water up to his waist. When they arrived he was only feet from the most dangerous section, where he could have been swept under by the current.

Using ropes, PC Usher waded out to the man and stood in front of him to prevent him going any further.

The man stumbled but PC Usher grabbed him as the rope snapped and dragged himself and the man back to the bank, helped by Constable Howarth.

A commendation went to Northallerton's PC David Atkinson for his arrest of a man for racially abusing a member of the public, during which he was subjected to a vicious and sustained assault.

Constable Atkinson held onto the man in Northallerton despite being viciously assaulted including being bitten, while he radioed for help.