ROLLER hockey teams from Durham have come back with more than holiday souvenirs after a tournament on the Isle of Wight.

Young people from Durham City Rollers came back with The Seagrove Hotel Challenge trophy.

A team spokesman said: "Not only did the teams work very hard when they reached the tournament, but they had to raise money for the trip themselves.

"We were successful in obtaining grants from the Co-Operative Dividend Grant and Key Funding to help with the costs involved in taking 24 children to the Isle of Wight."

The teams, who train at Belmont Comprehensive School on Tuesday nights, need new players.

Under-tens and U12s train from 6pm to 7.30pm and U14s and U16s train from 7.30pm to 9pm.

People who want to try the sport are invited to sessions at Meadowfield Leisure Centre on Mondays, from 5.15pm to 6.15pm, where basic skating and stick handling is taught.

To take part, call Alastair Ratcliffe on (0797) 188 1790.