PENSIONERS: WHILST I agree entirely with Mr Roe (HAS, June 2) that Wear Valley District Council's decision to take into account war pensions when calculating council tax is a disgrace, it should be noted that WVDC is not alone.

The majority of councils within the region hold the same opinion. We are the only region of Britain to take such an overall stance.

However, I disagree with the theory that this has anything to do with setting the level of council tax for the district. WVDC has, for naked political reasons, twice set ridiculous levels.

Last year, district council election year, nought per cent increase, followed after the elections by £1m worth of lost services.

This year, the battle with Durham County Council over unitary survival meant another crazy decision, 2.1 per cent, followed by another £1m worth of services down the Swannee.

On a final note Mr Roe, you will be happy to know, and feel free to check WVDC's accounts, £949,714 is the level of outstanding rent arrears, of which £111,703 was written off and in the region of £550,000 is owed in council tax. - Jim Tague, Bishop Auckland Conservatives.


IN the run-up to the EU elections, protection of our manufacturing base seems to have been ignored by the major parties.

In the short term we are losing work to countries such as China, who have a low cost base and are subsidised by their government, a practice that the EU would deem illegal for its members.

However labour and material costs are rising in China and due to the distance involved they cannot react quickly to market forces. A container takes typically six weeks to reach the UK.

East European nations in the EU are the main threat to our livelihood. They have now increased by eight with recent changes. Delivery of products, large or small, takes a matter of days. Costs are less though quality is an issue.

Development grants for our deprived regions would be phased out by the EU and passed to new members. This means that the UK would be paying for the privilege of destroying factories and exporting jobs. Black & Decker is typical of a company, only loyal to shareholders, which has made the move.

The main political parties are powerless under the EU constitution, which they will not be allowed to change. - B Gobin, Spennymoor.


FOR many years we have had organisations which were set up to tackle social problems such as cruelty towards animals and children. Alcoholics Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous try to help those whose drinking and gambling habits have taken over and destroyed their lives and those of others around them.

I wonder how long it will be before we have the MPA. Mobile Phone Anonymous! - D Brearley, Middlesbrough.


I WOULD like to endorse the letter from Darlington Stroke Club and give my support for the Mobilise Campaign to remove the age bar on disability living allowance (DLA).

As a social worker advising on disability benefits I am aware of the financial implications of making a claim for DLA before the age of 65. The attendance allowance paid to those over 65 is much meaner than DLA.

DLA is paid at three rates. The lowest rate is paid to those who may need help with meal preparation. I know of many pensioners who only need this kind of help, for which they have to pay. To get attendance allowance they would also have to prove that they need help with personal care like bathing or dressing. Thus they have a higher threshold of need to climb before getting financial assistance than DLA claimants.

After 65, attendance allowance claimants can get no payment for mobility needs. It seems to be assumed that those over 65 are likely to have poor mobility. However, many people beyond 65 remain sprightly. Mobility payments can be used for taxis etc when one can no longer drive or use public transport. Claimants of DLA can keep their mobility payments if they move into residential care whilst attendance allowance claimants lose all their care component. This leaves the DLA claimant in care better off. Many social work funded clients in care have only £18.10 a week pocket money. Those with DLA have around £40 a week more.

Claimants of DLA have access to the Motability car scheme and car tax exemption. Attendance allowance claimants do not have these benefits.

In our society where people are living longer, the age limit on DLA seems to be ageist. Witness the D-Day veterans in their 80s and 90s marching this weekend. To remove the age bar would cost £3.1bn but many thousands of Britons would benefit. - Jacqueline Bell, PPC Liberal Democrats, Richmond.


MICHAEL Howard says the Conservatives want us to stay in the EU but reform it and bring back some powers from Brussels to Britain. However, it is not clear what this position actually means.

Which areas would be renegotiated by the Tories and would they take back power in areas other than fishing and international aid? In particular would they renegotiate the social chapter to remove rights for workers, including provisions on maternity and paternity leave and protections for part-time workers?

This pretence cannot continue. The issue is being dodged - do they want to stay in or get out? I think we all know what the real answer is. - John Foster, Hartlepool.

THOSE of you who have not yet used your postal vote, or for that matter even those who have, would be well advised to read the Tory Euro-election leaflet very carefully.

As an example of political opportunism it is a hard act to follow but then, they are now led by that arch opportunist, Michael Howard.

During the 18 years of disastrous Tory rule, Margaret Thatcher and John Major successively bound us closer to the European Community with never a suggestion of any referendum at any time. During both styles of Conservative rule, Michael Howard was a key member so why was he silent then on the issue of referendums?

The truth of the matter is that Labour is the only political party who have actually held a referendum on European issues, apart from our original entry to the Common Market, and Tony Blair has very recently offered one on the acceptance or otherwise of the new European constitution.

The Tory election leaflet gives you seven reasons for voting for them. I can give you many times seven reasons for not voting for them but I am precluded by lack of space here. Just one reason is enough. Michael Howard. - Alan Benn, Bedale.