BOLTBY endurance rider Tracy Thompson went well at the Griffin Nuumed Golden Horseshoe ride, held over the challenging terrain of Exmoor and one of the toughest competitions in the sport.

Tracy has competed several times at the renowned event and this time was among the entries in the Exmoor Stag Ride, which covers 120km over two days.

She completed the ride, a major achievement in itself, as horses must not only cover the long distance, but must also pass a series of vet inspections before, during and after the ride, when heart and pulse rates have to be at the right levels to continue.

Any penalties gained at these inspections can lower the award given, as can completing at a slower average speed, and months of dedicated training are needed to reach the fitness levels required.

Tracy received a Hind award, the second highest on the ride, despite a fall on course. This was on the bay mare Bo Busk Echo, at 13hh the smallest in the ride.

"Bo Busk Echo went to the Golden Horseshoe two years ago, but was lame at the end and didn't complete," Tracy explained. "On the first day she completed in a really good time, but picked up one heart rate penalty and the second day she was a little slower, but finished with no penalties. This was the highest award I've gained at the Golden Horseshoe, so I was pleased."

This was despite Tracy taking a fall at one of the many gates riders have to go through on the ride.

She said: "I had a spinal injury some time ago and still have some problems from this. I had a muscle spasm at the gate and got my leg stuck and came off backwards.

"I was left a bit dizzy, but had a rest for a while and was then OK, although we lost some time. The course was the nicest I'd ever ridden there and both the weather and the going were brilliant."

Bo Busk Echo, who is now ten, was bought at Wigton Sales in Cumbria as a six-month-old foal for just £80.

"I'd given my friend Shelia Ashby, who runs the Boltby Trekking Centre, £100 to buy a companion pony at the sales and she came back with Bo Busk Echo," Tracy continued. "There is a bit of Fell in her although we don't know her breeding, and she started in endurance as a five-year-old."

Shelia is a "great help" in keeping the pony fit and a big support to Tracy. She had another four horses, but sadly tragedy struck while she was in Exmoor.

"One of my horses was found dead in the field," said Tracy. "She was only three, but had a colic injury as a foal. I nearly came home from the ride as I was so upset, but there wasn't anything I could do."

Bo Busk Echo will now have a rest and will then compete at a Race Ride, judged on a first past the post basis, near Sheffield in just under a month's time