CHILDREN at a North-East school have been learning to sing opera - thanks to two former pupils.

Britta Wray, 23, and Emily Smith, 25, have been working with youngsters at Hall Garth School, in Acklam, Middlesbrough, on a community opera which will be performed in Darlington next month.

The ground-breaking production - which is called Blaze! - is being staged on the platform at the town's railway museum from July 27 to 31.

It is based on Darlington's railway heritage and will feature more than 100 local children. Hall Garth is one of five schools taking part.

Miss Wray, assistant director of Blaze!, has been holding weekly singing workshops at her old school.

She said: "The turnout at Hall Garth for the sessions was quite low so I did some extra workshops, just doing some singing sessions with the kids.

"Now the sessions keep getting bigger each time I go. It's been lovely to go back to Hall Garth. I know my way round which is handy, I've still got a brother and sister here and all the teachers are so friendly."

Miss Smith, the opera's voice coach, held her first session with the pupils on Thursday.

She said: "It didn't feel that strange to return.

"Hall Garth has got a very good music department and although I never sang opera there, I was in the choir. It was the highlight of my time there."

Tickets for Blaze!, which is being produced by Northern Stage and Tees Valley Creative Partnerships, go on sale shortly.

Published: 12/06/2004