HEART patients have been given a huge cash boost from a tractor-run through some of the Wear Valley's favourite beauty spots.

More than 80 vintage vehicles left Bill and Sheila Marley's farm, in North Bitchburn, last month for a drive to Hamsterley Forest through Woodland and Windmill.

The return route took them across to Wolsingham, Billy Row and Crook.

Drivers and passengers collected sponsorship and organised a raffle to raise £2,383 for the work of the British Heart Foundation.

Mr and Mrs Marley presented the money to Fiona Turner, area organiser for the British Heart Foundation.

Mrs Marley said: "A lot of the drivers have friends or relatives who have suffered from heart disease so they are very keen to help. It is a charity they can all identify with."

Mrs Turner said: "It was a fantastic effort. Our thanks go to Bill and Sheila for all the work they put into it.

"It was a big day and everybody enjoyed it."