A HEARTBROKEN family has been hit by a fresh tragedy with the loss of their third child.

Ten-year-old Catherine Readshaw, whose courageous struggle has inspired fundraising for cancer and hospital charities, died at home on Sunday.

Her sister, Ann-Marie, died in 2001 when she drowned in a council-run swimming pool, and brother Daniel lost his life in almost identical circumstances last year. Both were aged 13.

Parents Iain and Marie and sisters Nicole and Rachel were last night trying to come to terms with their loss at their home in Ferryhill, County Durham.

Catherine had been battling against leukaemia for three-and-a-half years and had spent most of this year in hospital.

But she spent the last ten days of her life at home in Ferryhill, County, Durham, surrounded by family and friends.

Staff at Asda in Spennymoor, who have supported the family throughout their difficult time, threw a party for Catherine last week.

Last night, grandmother Kath Conroy paid tribute to Catherine's bravery, which continues to inspire others.

She said: "It's been an emotional rollercoaster for three-and-a-half years, but the one thing that was always constant was her bravery and her courage, but when Daniel died she took that very badly.

"I'd like people to know how she fought and battled on regardless. She made people aware of children's cancer."

A requiem mass will be held at All Saints Church, Ferryhill, at 10am on Saturday, followed by interment at Chilton Cemetery