THE newest weapon in the fight to slow down drivers in built-up areas was unveiled by firefighters yesterday.

Officers were at Stokesley Junior School with a £12,000 speed matrix sign, which has been bought by Hambleton Community Safety Partnership.

If drivers go past it at more than the speed limit for that stretch of road, it flashes a slow-down message and the speed limit.

It is being used to combat speeding in built-up areas and members of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service are taking it out to areas restricted to 20, 30 and 40mph where problems have been reported by residents or statistics show a high number of speed-related incidents.

Sub officer John Blake, from Northallerton Fire Station, said: "We are not enforcing anything. We are just trying to get the message across that you are travelling too fast."

The sign also records the date, time and speed of passing cars to build up a picture of where the speeding hotspots are in the district.