AN elderly man suffered a broken leg when he was knocked down by a boy on a bike.

The man, aged 78, had been collecting medication for his wife at a pharmacy in the Linthorpe area of Middlesbrough when the incident happened at about 4.40pm on Monday last week.

He saw two boys cycling at speed towards him and told them to get off the pavement.

One of the youngsters did so, but his friend continued cycling at the pensioner and knocked him to the ground.

The two boys then rode away from the scene.

The man was taken to the James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough, where he needed an operation to replace a ball joint at the top of his leg, as well as treatment for a broken leg.

His condition was described as comfortable and stable.

He was unable to give a full description of the boys other than they were aged about 13.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Middlesbrough police on (01642) 303126