DURHAM'S Prince Bishops Shopping Centre has given a cash boost to a charity supporting people with a muscle wasting illness known as Rag Doll Disease.

The centre has given the Tyne Tees branch of the Myasthenia Gravis Association £250 for research into the cause and cure.

The branch provides care and support for sufferers and their families.

Volunteers host support groups and coffee mornings to raise awareness of the disease and give sufferers the chance to meet other people.

Centre manager Richard Toynbee, said: "Rag Doll Disease is devastating for those who suffer from it.

"People are often perfectly normal one moment but a few hours, or even a few minutes later, they become droopy and lifeless.

"The work the association does to help sufferers is truly remarkable and I am delighted we are able to offer them some financial assistance so they can keep up the good work.''

The association hopes to raise money to produce and distribute videos explaining the rare auto-immune illness, which can be hard to diagnose, to doctors and opticians.

Les Askew, a volunteer with the association, said: "We are very grateful for the donation Prince Bishops has made. Every penny we receive is extremely valuable and ensures we can continue helping those who need our support, guidance and advice."