A BRIDLEWAY was closed to the public yesterday due to safety concerns for users.

Temporary closure was ordered for the stretch of bridleway between Old Quarrington and Quarrington Hill, near Durham.

The bridleway, used by walkers, cyclists and horseriders, runs from north of Cold Knuckles Quarry to south of Quarrington Quarry.

Durham County Council ordered the temporary closure from Friday to allow urgent safety checks to be made into the stability of Cold Knuckles Quarry face.

Deputy chief executive Chris Tunstall said the rock face was badly eroded and potentially unstable.

"Public safety is a key issue here, particularly with school holidays looming, and it's important that our minerals experts get in there to carry out a survey and make an assessment."

He said they did not know how long the investigations would take, but the current temporary closure order was for 21 days.

Mr Tunstall said it was unfortunate there was no alternative route for people, other than via Coxhoe or Bowburn and Cassop Moor.