MORE than 20 child welfare organisations will join forces this week for the launch of east Durham's first Children's Planning Forum.

Easington Primary Care Trust (PCT) has invited representatives from social care, child care, education, health and voluntary sectors to the forum to have a say on how they believe children's services should be developed.

The newly launched forum will hold its first meeting tomorrow.

Improving life chances for children was highlighted as one of the PCT's five key priorities in its Action for Life strategy.

The new group, made up of those working most closely with young people, will help take that aim forward and help to create a plan for children and young people's services.

Martin Armitage, the head of children's and adult mental health services for Easington PCT, said: "Our aim is to work in partnership with organisations, children and their families to provide high-quality programmes that improve life chances for children.

"This planning group will form a major foundation in working towards this aim by allowing those working most closely with young people to voice their opinions and ultimately influence how services and programmes are developed and delivered."