A SCHEME to cover the market place in Pickering is one of a number of projects in a report about improving the area.

A covered way through to Hungate from the Market Place, to extend the central shopping area, should also be pursued, says the report by the Town Team.

The team suggests improving the weekly market with a farmer's market, organic food and more stalls to increase interest in Pickering as a shopping centre.

Town Team leader Debbie Aubrook said the idea of a covered mall over the Market Place was long-term, but the scheme to cover the route alongside the Boots store to the farmers' market area was achievable in the short-term.

"It would create a Shambles-type atmosphere but under cover," she said.

"What we are trying to do is to promote ideas which will give Pickering a distinctive advantage over other towns and so enhance its role as a shopping town, which will in turn improve the economy."

The Town Team has put together a catalogue of schemes in an effort to make Pickering an idyllic places in which to live, work and play.

Ms Aubrook said the Vision for Pickering document was being compared with the results of a questionnaire, which attracted a 34 per cent response from residents.

The vision, which has 70 ideas, says less emphasis on town centre parking would improve the visual appeal of Pickering and enhance the appreciation of its architecture.

It also calls for street furniture and paved areas to be improved, with more trees, shrubs and paving stones.