JOHN Prescott is preparing to break his pledge to announce the powers of elected assemblies this month, provoking fresh claims that his plans are in "utter chaos".

A draft Bill will not now be published before MPs start their summer break if Conservatives in the House of Lords block regulations allowing all-postal ballots.

Ministers have repeatedly promised to set out the proposed powers of the North East and Yorkshire assemblies this summer, to avoid accusations that people are being asked to "vote blind".

If the Bill is not published before the Commons goes into recess on July 22, it cannot be released until September, after campaigning has started.

The fresh row came as Mr Prescott was expected to confirm today that the referendums will take place on November 4, as he laid necessary orders before parliament.

Bernard Jenkin, Tory devolved government spokesman, insisted there was no need to wait until those orders had been agreed before publishing the Bill.

He said: "Why won't John Prescott tell the truth about the powers the assemblies would have? His regions campaign is deeply dishonest, utter chaos, a waste of taxpayers' money and has split the Labour party."

But a Government source told The Northern Echo: "We will not publish the Bill unless the House of Lords passes the regulations."

The orders are controversial because the government has again defied the Electoral Commission in pressing ahead with all-postal ballots before it has been given the all-clear.

The commission is investigating claims of widespread fraud in all-postal ballots in last month's local elections and will not publish its conclusions until September 13.

Mr Prescott has been fighting a Cabinet battle to hand over responsibility for learning and skills councils and some transport functions to the new elected body.