AN audience of 500 packed into one of the region's cathedrals to listen to some of the area's most talented young musicians.

The North Yorkshire Schools' Symphony Orchestra, made up of more than 80 pupils aged from 12 to 16, gave their annual concert at Ripon Cathedral. It was the culmination of a summer residential music school at Barnard Castle School.

North Yorkshire County Council's head of music David Morgan said: "The call for musicians goes out early in the year and auditions are held.

"The music is sent out to the successful candidates but it isn't until they come together for the first time at Barnard Castle School that it begins to fall into place."

There they rehearsed with nationally-acclaimed conductor Simon Wright for four days before the performance.

"Some of the days last 12 hours and the youngsters work exceptionally hard," said Mr Morgan.

"It is a really good bonding exercise too with real friendships being formed among the youngsters, which last long after the concert is over.

"It is a really powerful experience for the youngsters to be involved in and it gives them an awareness they will take into the next stage of their lives.

"It is also reward for the endless practising they must endure to become musicians."

Published: 22/07/2004