PROPOSALS for a £3m school were still uncertain last night as council officials prepared to hold talks over a major objection.

Darlington Borough Council's planning committee met yesterday to consider the blueprint for Middleton St George Primary School.

The school has been designed to replace the original building, which was devastated by an arson attack in February last year.

But Sport England, the body which delivers the Government's sporting objectives, has voiced fears about playing fields being lost.

The organisation's concerns meant councillors were not able to grant full permission for the school development to go ahead at the meeting.

Instead, they agreed that senior officers should continue to discuss the contentious point with Sport England in the hope of finding a solution.

If the complaint is dropped, planning permission will be granted.

If the dispute cannot be resolved, the application would have to be referred to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, for a decision.

Middleton St George councillor Doris Jones told the committee: "While we understand where Sport England is coming from, we really don't have any more land."

"We can't afford the school to be any smaller than the design already is."

Council leader Councillor John Williams said: "I'm a bit bemused at Sport England's absolutist line on this. I hope they will moderate their view."

If the plans are approved, the replacement school will be a single-storey brick building.

The school would have hard and grass surface play areas and a playing pitch, with a football pitch and running track.

It is to be called St George's CE Aided Primary School and will cater for pupils from the former Sadberge Primary School, which recently closed.