POLICE patrols are to crack down on drivers using mobile phones.

Durham Police fear that someone will soon be killed because a driver has been distracted by talking on a mobile phone.

Announcing the new get-tough policy, Chief Insp Paul Goundry said: "It is only a matter of time until someone at the wheel of a vehicle kills someone because they are using a mobile phone which is distracting them from driving. Drivers need to be aware if they do, that they could go to jail."

Legislation banning the use of mobile phones by drivers was introduced in December, with £30 on-the-spot fines for people breaking the new law.

Chief Insp Goundry, head of the force's road policing unit, said: "If motorists see a police vehicle they will ignore their phones but from officers' off-duty observations it's obvious the law is being comprehensively ignored.

"If you are travelling behind someone driving slowly and erratically you can almost guarantee they are holding a mobile phone.

"Such behaviour is dangerous and irresponsible, and these people should be aware they risk imprisonment if they cause a fatal accident."

Patrol officers have been told to stop anyone breaking the law in the next four weeks.