I DO have a strong sense of region. Yorkshire is a historic county and there is a strong allegiance to the idea of Yorkshire as a region.

It may have been administratively divided for a long time, but people do feel that they are part of Yorkshire as a whole.

I am broadly in favour of regional government because I can see the sense in the region of Yorkshire taking up some responsibilities. It seems to work in many countries in Europe where there are significant differences between areas.

It is good that some issues can be expressed in terms of a region.

A regional government will need to reflect well its individual localities, but also be able to spot the wider issues which are important.

For example, what happens now to the former coalfield areas of Yorkshire is an issue which requires a regional approach.

The issues will be different for each area, and a regional government would be able to take a wider view.

However, I do believe that if a regional government is to work, it will require adequate funding, and that funding must come from central Government.

I cannot see the point in setting up a regional government if it is simply a talking shop.

And there is already funding coming into the area through the regional development agency, Yorkshire Forward, which has a considerable regional influence on the way projects are financed. I feel that if people voted in favour of a regional government, it should be in the position to receive the necessary funding to carry out its work.

I do not have a strong view on what will happen to local government should the regional government option be supported in the referendum.

I can see the arguments for and against both sides. North Yorkshire County Council, for example, has a good reputation for its education and social services and it certainly supports smaller schools in rural areas.

But, on the other hand, North Yorkshire is a large area and I can see the arguments in favour of retaining local district councils.

* The Right Reverend John Packer, is the Bishop of Ripon and Leeds.