VISITORS to a revamped gardeners' show will also enjoy free admission to a new attraction.

The first Durham Horticultural and Craft Show will be held in the Durham Room at County Hall, on September 10, 11 and 12.

The event replaces the city's annual produce show, which would have celebrated its 30th anniversary but was axed earlier this year by Durham City Council.

A committee has been formed to organise the new event, which will be open to producers beyond the city's boundaries and feature more to attract families.

Committee spokesman Peter Thompson, a Durham county councillor, said visitors would get automatic free admission to the county council-run DLI Museum and Durham Art Gallery, a short distance from County Hall.

"You pay 50p entry to the show per adult - children are free - and you get free admission to the DLI, which is worth £7 to a family and £3 to an adult.

"You will also be able to go free on the park and ride bus, which is worth £1, and the Cathedral Bus will be free, which is worth 50p.

"We want to broaden the appeal of the show and this is an incentive to turn up. We also want to encourage tourism and play our part in promoting sustainability. We don't want traffic congesting the streets of Durham.''

Councillor Thompson said: "We are ecstatic at the way things are going. I can't thank the committee enough for their efforts.''

For further details about the show and for schedules, call show committee secretary Gordon Steel on 079689 08160.