TWO former Army friends have been reunited after more than 50 years thanks to the dedication of post office staff.

Harry Dillon had not seen his friend Adam Hastings since being demobbed in 1953 after serving in Germany, and did not know where he was living.

Mr Dillon, from Kent, posted a letter addressed to "Adam Hastings (aged 70), somewhere in Newcastle (at one time lived in Benwell)".

Amazingly, the Royal Mail managed to reunite the pair by ringing round everyone in the telephone book with the name A Hastings and tracking down Mr Hastings at his home in Westerhope.

Mr Hastings said: "I was so shocked because I had not heard from him in more than 50 years. I often wondered what had happened to him and had thought about getting in touch, but I did not know how. It was great to hear his voice again."

A message under the vague address read: "Can a kind postman help? Do your best for an old Army pal."

A delighted Mr Dillon, who worked as print engraver after his National Service, is thrilled his letter reached its destination. The 71-year-old said: "It was quite emotional when we spoke to each other.

"I had been away and Adam had left a couple of messages on my answer machine saying he had got the letter."

Royal Mail spokesman Graham Moore said: "It is our job to deliver mail and we have.

"This story exemplifies the commitment of our staff. Clearly someone has gone to a great deal of effort to reunite these two."