A SIX-week-old Labrador-cross puppy was left brain damaged after a gang of yobs kicked her about like a football.

A horrified passer-by saw the three teenagers kicking and throwing the dog about near the BMX track, in Temple Park, South Shields, South Tyneside.

Police are now determined to track down the teenagers responsible and prosecute them.

A man walking through the park on Sunday evening with his young son saw the horrific act of cruelty and rescued the dog.

The wimpering puppy had suffered a serious blow to the head and was blinded in one eye.

She was taken to St Francis Animal Rescue, in Stanhope Road, South Shields, whose staff took her to a vet who decided to put her down as she was brain damaged.

The police and RSPCA were both informed of the incident. It is not known who the puppy belonged to