A school extension is to be officially opened by a famous former pupil.

Newcastle Falcons director of rugby Rob Andrew will do the honours at Barton Primary School next month.

Work has now been completed on the new hall, classroom, kitchen and offices and it is hoped the new car park will be finished before the big day on October 1.

The extension replaces a 50-year-old building that was only meant to be temporary.

Headteacher Liz Trewhitt said: "It's absolutely marvellous because we've got space now.

"We no longer have to walk across the playground for lunch, PE or assembly.

"When we took the children to have a look at the new building for the first time they couldn't believe it."

The work has been funded with money from North Yorkshire County Council, school funds and money raised by the Friends of the School.

Cash were also raised through a 'buy a brick' scheme and names of purchasers will be on display alongside a plaque during the official opening.

During the ceremony children will perform a song they have written about their new extension.

Mr Andrew's former headteacher Kath Morgan will attend the event to greet her old pupil.

"I feel it's very appropriate for an ex-pupil to come back to open our new extension.

"I'm sure he will see many changes," Mrs Trewhitt said.