A MAJOR row is brewing over plans to put a phone mast in the middle of a built-up area of Darlington.

People living around Whinbush Way say there will be a "massive protest" against the scheme.

Council planners are already preparing for a rush of objections by widening the consultation area.

As opposition started to build up this week, planning officer Tom O'Connor pledged: "I won't be rushing this. I want to give people plenty of chance to comment."

But he is well aware of the enormous interest which already surrounds the application from 02 to put a 15m mast close to the entrance to the Asda store's car park.

The area also has schools, nursing homes and residential properties.

Eileen Shepherd, chairman of the Whinbush Residents' Association, said a public meeting would be held.

Mr O'Connor said an application for a 12.5m mast at the site was granted in 2001, but the structure was never erected.

"We are aware of the interest this proposal is generating," he said. "So we are consulting on a much wider basis than usual.

"This is a densely populated area which has a number of schools and the Asda store.

"I want local interests to be expressed and I will reflect that in any report I put before the planning committee."

Haughton North ward councillor Veronica Copeland is backing residents.

She has already had a number of calls from worried householders and has passed their concerns on to the council planning department.

"I support the people who do not want this mast here," she said. "Many residents are worried about its proximity to the school and the number of children who would have to walk past it. It is an inappropriate site."

Seane Wilkinson, manager of Asda, has asked a colleague to establish the exact site and other details.

"I will then ensure our properties department is made aware of the situation," he said.

"Obviously the area is near the store and I need to know more. There would be an issue with a mast being so close to where customers come in."

Sheila Williams, head teacher of nearby Whinfield Junior School, is to discuss the matter with governors and staff.

Mrs Shepherd said: "People are really annoyed. Whinbush Way is where a lot of people walk. It's not in the middle of a field, it is in the heart of the community. It will also be open to abuse by youths who gather at the Asda car park. We already have anti-social behaviour in that area."

* A councillor is calling for a change in the law after planning inspectors overturned a decision to refuse a phone mast in Coniscliffe Road.

Coun Cyndi Hughes wants the Government to review the law on phone masts. Darlington Council turned the scheme down amid fears about health risks.