A GREAT North Run regular is continuing to take part in the annual half-marathon despite losing his sight.

Joe Elsender has completed the 13-and-a-half-mile run from Newcastle to South Shields 14 times, alongside former colleague from AEI cables factory at Birtley, near Chester-le-Street, from 1990.

Since losing his sight in 2000, due to a haemorrhage developing behind his left eye, a determined Joe has still walked around the course.

But he will be running this Sunday as he takes part in his 15th race, under the guidance of a generous fitness instructor.

Susan Shand works at the gym at Chester-le-Street Baths and Leisure Centre which Joe attends every week.

They have been training on weekly runs together since July and are now poised to tackle the event in aid of the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB).

Joe, 65, said it was only thanks to Susan's enthusiasm that he could contemplate running again.

"She's been fantastic. She has an infectious personality and she just said she would love to do the run.

"As all the places had gone to the general public we contacted the RNIB and they have given her one of their numbers as a registered guide.

"Susan runs alongside me and talks to me, putting her hand over my arm if there's something in the way.

"She's benefited as well because it's been a chance for her to take part in it, which is something she has always wanted to do."

They hope to beat their target of a 2 hour 30 minute finish on Sunday.

Meanwhile Joe's grand-children , brother and sister Ross, six, and eight-year-old Beth, will make it a Great North Run weekend for the Elsender family as they tackle the children's events over the Newcastle/Gateshead quaysides, on Saturday (SEP 25).