AN appeal to buy a new pipe organ for one of Darlington's oldest churches began in earnest at a striking flower festival last night.

St Cuthbert's Church, in the town centre, needs to raise up to £400,000 to replace its 124-year-old organ, which is in a poor state of repair.

The ambitious campaign has already received a £15,000 boost, thanks to the efforts of local parishioners.

But the church is keen to promote the appeal to the wider community - and sees the annual flower festival as an ideal method.

The event runs until Sunday and features displays on the theme of Creation, by Darlington's Flower Club, Embroiderers' Guild and Arts Society.

The official opening was performed last night by the Editor of The Northern Echo, Peter Barron.

The show is open today from 11am to 7pm, tomorrow from 11am to 6pm, and on Sunday from noon until 6pm. Admission is by programme costing £2 at the door.

Tomorrow, there is also a musical concert to raise money for the appeal. The concert starts at 7.30pm and admission is £5 on the door.

Anyone wanting more details about the organ appeal, or to donate to it, can contact church treasurer Brian Johnson on (01325) 350754.