POLICE are cracking down on tearaways on motor bikes bringing misery and danger on to a community's streets.

Acting on information from residents, Cleveland Police officers - including two off-road bike specialists - swooped on known problem areas across Middlesbrough.

About 20 officers confronted youths riding irresponsibly through the Park End, Berwick Hills and Pallister Park estates.

The man in charge of the weekend blitz, Police Inspector Ted Allen, said: "We will not tolerate anti-social behaviour in any form, but where motor cycles are involved there is danger to members of the public, especially to children who are playing in the area.''

During the crackdown - part of Operation Sabre - one suspected stolen motorbike was seized, two youths were reported for dangerous driving, another was found to be in breach of an anti social behaviour order.

Four more youths were given official warnings about their behaviour.

Insp Allen warned last night there will be similar operations carried out in the near future.