CIVIL servants will be on the streets today canvassing support against Government plans to cut more than 100,000 jobs.

The one-day strike will see picketing at civil service workplaces across the region, with leaflets being issued and signatures collected for petitions.

Gordon Rowntree, regional vice-chairman of the Public and Commercial Services Union, said: "We have sent letters to MPs asking for support. I have also written to Ray Mallon, Mayor of Middlesbrough, where the civil service is the largest employer in the town, asking for support and pointing out the impact job cuts will have on the local economy.

"Although yet to receive a reply, I would hope he realises local businesses (cafes, sandwich bars, public houses), that rely heavily on the custom of office workers during the week, will be badly affected."

Mr Rowntree said: "The strike is in response to the Government's announcement of more than 100,000 job cuts and comes at a time when civil servants face having to work longer to receive their pension, and proposals to change sick absence arrangements.

"We also need to get our message across to the public that the Government can't arbitrarily cut staff without it having a dramatic effect on the services they receive."