COMMUNITY pharmacists and GPs have been urging poeple to be more aware of the medicines they take.

A week-long campaign has also been enouraging patients and carers to play an active role in decisions about different options for treatments.

Derwentside Primary Care Trust says about 70 per cent of residents are taking medicines at any given time. But half the medicines prescribed for long-term conditions are not taken as prescribed. The Ask About Medicines campaign was also aimed at making information available to patients and carers to help them to make decisions and to support health professionals in helping people make choices.

Lee Middleton, of the care trust, said: "The campaign is part of the ongoing work of Derwentside PCT's medicines management programme, which aims to provide better services and medicines information to patients.

"We hope to help people to understand medicines better and explain that their GP or pharmacist is happy for them to ask questions.

"Local doctors surgeries and pharmacists have been supporting the campaign by displaying posters, distributing leaflets and other materials to residents, as well as talking to patients about their medication."