NORTHALLERTON. Wed. Forward: 1,246 store lambs in prize show and sale, 118 store and breeding cattle.

Lambs judged by R. Brown: 1 Texel, J.O. Brewis and Son £45.20; 1 Suffolk, T.H. Cook £43.50; others Suffolk X £42.90, Texel X £44.20, Charollais £35.20, Continental X £43.20, Mule £36.50.

Cattle: bulls Limousin £480, Belgian Blue £380, Aberdeen Angus £410, Friesian £329; heifers Limousin £552, Aberdeen Angus £452, Belgian Blue £438, Simmental £415, Friesian £380; bullocks Belgian Blue £635, Blonde £540, Limousin £580, Simmental £520, Friesian £532, Hereford £365; breeding cattle Aberdeen Angus heifer with calf £560, Limousin cows with calf £520, Simmental cow with calf £530, BW cow with calf £400.

Private sales Nov 8-12 totalled 144 fat cattle inc OTMS, 106 fat sheep and pigs.

Tues: Forward 198 prime cattle incl 47 young bulls and 762 prime sheep incl 32 cull ewes and one ram. Steers med to 127.5p av 108.6p; heavy to 118.5p av 95.26p. Overall av 96.57p. Heifers lt to 128.5p; med to 123.5p ac 99.88p. overall av 102.2p. Young bulls med to 100.5p av 77.59p; heavy to 114.5p av 92.58p. overall av 88.59p. Total cattle av 96.86p. Lambs std to 105.1p; av 102.66p; med to 116.5p av 106.26p. Overall av 106.6p. heavy to 106.9p av 98.82p; o/wts 101.8p av 98.78p. total lamb av 103.53p. Cull ewes to £38 av £30.69. Ram £23.50.